Rethinking Everything
Maybe it is because I am now considered a "Thirty Something." Maybe it is because I am now someones mom. Maybe it is because I am FINALLY growing up. Or maybe, God is preparing me for something new. But, in the recent months, I have found myself rethinking absolutely everything about my life. My faith, my beliefs, what I eat, where I live, where I shop, what I want out of life, EVERYTHING!
It is an odd and sometimes lonely place to find yourself. I feel as though I am a VERY small minority in America, and it is difficult to not just feel completely isolated and judged by the majority.
I am resurrecting my old blog about "Rethinking Church." Although the name has changed, because my life has changed.
I love to write. It helps me process. I want to write and think without reservation. However, I have a unique personality. I am easily one of the most sensitive and emotional people you will meet. I am a total people pleaser, so it is very difficult for me to write difficult and personal things and subject them to the masses.
Honestly, I stopped blogging and writing for that matter after the last Presidential Election in 2008. My blog post actually cost me friendships and the comments that people posted made my heart hurt. I am willing to give it a go again, and who knows, I might just keep it private. But, there are too many things going on in my heart and my head to hold them in any longer.
So, here's to rethinking. To educating yourself. To changing your life. To unashamedly being who God made you to be.
"They Like Jesus, But Not The Church"

Most of you know that I am a big Dan Kimball fan! I feel like he and I have very similar passions for re-thinking church. He is someone that I continue to learn from and be challenged by, and his new book is just phenomenal! If you have not read this book, pick up a copy today! If you know a church leader or pastor who needs a renewal of passion for the lost and younger generations, then please pick up a copy for them today as well! May God continue to use us to change the world!!
Life change, Church change and World Change!!! Lord, use me!
Hiding Place

The last few months have been dark ones for me. The chaos and pain of life have surrounded me. After losing my grandmother a week ago today, I have found such comfort in these words. Hope they can bring others the hope and peace that they have to me this week.
"Hiding Place"- Integrity Music 2007- New Life Worship- "My Savior Lives"
I have found myself a hiding place
I have found myself a secret space
In the shelter of Amighty's love
In the safety of the Savior's arms
I will run to the hiding place
I will run to the hiding place
Draw me ever closer to look upon Your face
I will run to the hiding place
I found myself a hiding place
I found myself a secret space
In the refuge of the Father's care
In the cleansing blood of Jesus there
I will run to the hiding place
I will run to the hiding place
Draw me ever closer to look upon Your face
I will run to the hiding place
Though my fears may overwhelm me
And troubles, they surround
Though the wind rise up to take me
My hiding place is already found
I have found myself a hiding place
I have found myself a secret space
In the shelter of Amighty's love
In the safety of the Savior's arms
Oh, wanna look upon Your face
I will run to the hiding place
Lenten Pilgrimage 2008

Hi Friends,
I am the blogger once again for this year's Lenten Pilgrimage. I would love to have all of you join me in this journey to the cross.
Better Questions

I heard more from the Lord last night than I have in a LONG time. Nick's parents bought us tickets to see Todd Agnew in concert. My first thoughts...Todd Agnew is one of those cheesy KLOVE artists, I have no desire to see him in concert, I am too tired and too busy to waste a week night on something like this. However, when someone buys you concert tickets, you go. So, with an already poor attitude, I went.
Needless to say, the Lord most often meets me in my bad attitudes and teaches me a lesson. Last night was no exception.
Todd Agnew was having a bad day. I mean a really bad day! The great thing about it was that he did not just put on his happy, clappy, fake Christian face and do his concert. He was real, he was honest, he was broken, he was authentic, he was raw! I connected, I engaged, I encountered God through his suffering, which in a way parallels my own.
Todd's new album is called "Better Questions." Meaning, sometimes we have better questions about God than we have answers. He posed many of those questions as part of his concert, yet his bad day invaded the script, and the real life questions began to emerge. By the end of the night, this guy was pouring out his heartache and hurt about the church, the Christian music industry and life as a believer. He even seemed on the verge of a complete breakdown.
It made me sad for him, sad for myself, and yet the burning passion I have for church change came raging through my body like a wild fire. I have not felt that in a long time. His questions are good, his hurt is valid, his concerns about the church are real.
Many people in the crowd were un-comfortable and even angry that they paid money to come to a concert where the artist did not present the typical polished show. I was thankful and moved. I sure miss being a part of the conversation. I don't understand why, but God has wired me to think like this.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, most of the time I feel like a refugee from the church. I don't feel like I fit in. I don't feel like a part. I have such a desire to serve and use my gifts, and I never feel welcomed to do so.
I am currently in a dark season when it comes to church. I just want to take a break from it all. How come I am so different? Why do I get so upset? Todd Agnew and I share many of the same questions and the same frustrations. I wholeheartedly believe that they are good questions to be asking. I only need to pray that the Lord would not allow my heart to grow cold and hard towards the church as a result.
I am looking for conversation, I am looking for others who feel the same way. I love God and I am passionate about church, yet I find myself very negative towards the church and those who call themselves the church.
All that to say, I am not a raging fan of Todd Agnew's music, but now I feel like I know his heart, and I think he is a pretty amazing guy! Thanks for being real Todd!
Boba (Bubble) Tea

I had been hearing about Boba tea for a few months now. It seems to be all the rage these days. So, I guess it was time for me to join the Boba movement. Danika and I made our way to Downtown Kansas City to visit the one and only Boba Tea bar in Missouri.
I have to admit that I am not even cool enough to know what Boba tea is. I know I am not a huge fan of tea, and when you google boba, it is very un-clear what exactly it is.
The atmosphere in this Boba Tea bar was absolutely darling. Very relaxed and felt like home. (A generational trend? I think so!) So, I ordered. I received a sealed asian cup with a monkey saying ALOHA on the front, filled with pink milk and black balls of who knows what in the bottom. I was also given a very wide straw in order to suck up the mysterious black balls.
I knew I had to be brave and try this if I wanted to be "cool." ha ha ha
The milk stuff was fine. Tasted like a gum drop. The weird black balls, not so fine. I still don't know what they are (supposedly tapioca, but I have never seen black tapioca) they were slimy and chewy and nasty!
I am proud of myself for taking part in the experience, but I guess I am not cool enough to be a part of the Boba Tea generation.
As you were...
Encountering God on I-70 East

Ahhhh Kansas! I-70 East all the way through the Sun-flower state. It has to be an adventure worth writing about. After 9 1/2 hours in the car, I have arrived in Kansas City Missouri. I am here to see my cute friend Danika. She is a part of a prayer internship out here at the International House of Prayer (IHOP).
Yesterday was a beautiful day for me. Alone. Silence. Sunflowers. Cows. Does it get any better than this? God's creation is astounding. I was blown away by the shear number of crops. They just keep going and going. His provision for us is never-ending.

I few things struck me. I witnessed a herd of cattle (100+) all walking in the same direction. There was nothing herding them or chasing them, and no destination in site, yet all of them were walking together towards something. It made me wonder why? It made me wonder how? Then, the Lord reassured me that He even loves and takes care of these cows. How much more then, does He love and take care of me!
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26
Another thing that struck me is the shear lack of creativity when it comes to the names of towns in Kansas. The border city between Colorado and Kansas is actually named Kanarado. Original! Cracks me up!
All these silly things to say, I am anticipating a great time with the Lord this weekend. I am praying that He blesses my intentionality in getting away and seeking Him. I am seeking rest and direction like only He can give.
I am also very interested in what God is doing out here in Kansas City. There seems to be a movement of His Spirit.
Enjoy your day!
He Cares,
Sometimes doing the right thing SUCKS!!

Lately I have found myself in the middle of some difficult situations where I have been confronted with right vs. wrong.
As a person who follows Christ, scripture makes it clear that I should be defending truth in all circumstances. Unfortunately defending truth is most often un-popular, extremely difficult and even painful at times.
Today I am feeling completely beat up inside, as I have stood up for truth and been broken in the process.
I am also feeling the burden of following Christ and how others judge me for doing so.
I continue to discover the lack of importance placed on character and integrity in America, and it is really really sad!
All that to say, lesson learned today: sometimes doing the right thing SUCKS!
How He Loves

The song I have on my profile right now is just amazing. I so needed to be reminded of these things. Hope you enjoy the lyrics!
"How He Loves" by John Mark McMillan:
He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane
I am a tree
Bending beneath
The weight of his wind and mercy
When all of a sudden
I am unaware of these
Afflictions eclipsed by glory
And I realize how beautiful you are
And how great your affections are for me
Oh how he loves us so
Oh how he loves us
How he loves us so
Yeah he loves us
Oh how He loves us
We are his portion
And he is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes
If grace is an ocean we're all sinking
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss
And my heart burns violently inside of my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about the way
He loves us
Oh how he loves us so
Oh how he loves us
How he loves us so
Yeah he loves us
Oh how he loves us
Experiencing the Lenten Pilgrimage

I had an interesting experience last night as I continue on my Lenten Pilgrimage. I had a difficult day. I came home from work tired, sad and feeling defeated. When I feel this way, I normally plant myself on the couch and try to escape reality through my favorite TV show. I have given up that indulgence as part of my desire to create space for God in my life. I found myself tempted and torn. After making a plethora of excuses in my head, I decided I could watch TV for 30 min. (Yes, I caved.) I turned on my MTV, and it was the Real World Denver. A show I normally enjoy watching. I watched for about 3 minutes and had a moment of realization. My life has been so much better without TV. This show is crap, and not at all what I need right now. I need my Father. So, I turned it off and went to the bedroom to read His Word. He spoke directly into my heart where I needed Him to. God is gracious and patient with me. I am so grateful! I hope for all of us at Blue Sky that we are experiencing this type of renewal in our daily journey with Christ. I love this community!
The Difference... part 2

I thought that I was overwhelmed by my surrounding circumstances last week. Today, I find myself just weeping over the sadness of the world. I can not even explain how thankful I am to know God and be in a relationship with him. I can not even fathom life without him.
With today comes a new outlook on the gift of life, the gift of breath. Last night, I was able to sit with a fellow brother in Christ as he took his last breath. I heard the words of his family as they said goodbye and prayed for his entry into Heaven. I witnessed the human body fighting to hang on to life. I experienced Jesus in that ER room like I never have before. God is good. He is so gracious. My heart hurts and grieves for my friends, as they lost their loving father way too soon. Yet, a strange peace descended while watching a mortal life slip away and an eternal one begin. There are just no words.
This week has brought so much tragedy and hurt to my doorstep. I am so thankful that God can use me in my brokenness. However, my heart has had about all it can take this week.
I was able to re-connect with the young woman from my previous blog entry who is involved in a horribly abusive relationship. God had me in the right place at the right time again as I witnessed another domestic fight. I was able to bring this young woman to my home and sit and talk with her. I was able to listen and love her right where she was. She is so different from me in so many ways, yet so similar in many others. I did my best to share the hope of Christ with her. I did my best to stand up for the sanctity of life. Although I left that evening feeling defeated by the enemy, I am thankful I had the opportunity.
How does life get so messed up and out of control? Why does God allow people to hurt so deeply. How do I as His follower make a difference and take care of these people He brings into my life. I pray that God would continue to give me an enormous heart of mercy, and that He would equip me with the strength and the tools I need to serve those He brings my way.
Death is such a conflicting thing when you follow Christ. It is so very tragic and sad, while at the same time the best thing that can happen to a person. I am exhausted, conflicted, confused and sad today. But I am forever grateful for Him who has made all of the difference in my life.
Lenten Pilgrimage

The community I am a part of is going on a journey for the next 40 days. We are calling it the Lenten Pilgrimage. I am very humbled and excited to be a part of it. For the next 40 days we will be creating space in our lives for God. Please join us for the online part of the journey. I will be blogging at www.lentenpilgrimage.blogspot.com.
The Difference...

Lately, things around me have just seemed strange. Every circumstance I seem to find myself in is something that is terribly difficult for me to understand. From my previous blog about being cursed to hell for helping my neighbor, to all of this horrible talk about Pastor Ted, to the precious teenage life that was ended this week by suicide, to yesterday when I found myself in the midst of domestic violence in its worst form. As I drove the beat up girlfriend to a safe place, I was overcome with emotion and deep sadness as she told me about the reality that is her life.
She is pregnant. She is abused. She is locked at home, away from the outside world. Her mother is dying of stage 4 breast cancer and has lost her home to medical debt. She is spending her last days on earth living by herself in her car. Now, this girl wants an abortion, because she is broke, homeless and the father of her baby has a scary, violent personality. Sometimes, there are just no words. I hope that I did my best to tell this girl that she matters, that she is loved and that at least someone in the world cares about her well being.
I have continued to battle this theological debate in my head. Why I am so different. Why do I feel like an outcast? Why do I feel so hurt and upset by the state of the world around me?
Then, as I was putting on my makeup this morning and preparing my heart to worship, this simple revelation flooded my soul...
Glenn Packiam
Copyright 2006 Vertical Worship Songs:
"I am not the same
Everything's been different since the day
You came into my life
You will never change
You'll always be the Truth the Life the Way
You came into my life
Jesus you are the difference in my life
A joy I cannot hide
Savior, I'll show the world what You have done
And all that I've become
I'm not the same"
It sounds so elementary, so simple. But today I truly gained an understanding about who Christ is in my life, and that I am filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. I am different. I am not the same. Thank God!
My heart beats for my generation today. May we be passionate followers of Christ who live differently and lead those around us to their Savior!
I am an Alien

1 Peter 2:11
"Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul."
This morning as I was leaving for work, a man from my complex pulled out in front of me and I noticed that he had a completely flat tire. He obviously did not notice, and was driving full speed ahead on his rim. I began honking and waving. At the first stop light, I pulled up next to him and honked again. He rolled down his window, and I was able to tell him to pull over. While I was telling him about his tire, the light turned green. Obviously, I did not go immediately. After about 2 seconds of the light being green I was honked at, flipped off with both hands and told to go to hell! The man I helped thanked me, and I was on my way only seconds after the light had turned green. The guy behind me continued to swear at me as he sped around me. His wife joined in the Kristi bashing as well.
All I did was try to help a fellow citizen so he would not ruin his car. And, I get cursed to hell in return. I cannot imagine driving around and being that angry all the time. What a terrible way to live your life. I don't know why I am so different. That verse from 1 Peter really stands out to me this week. I am a stranger and an alien. The Holy Spirit in me has changed my life completely. I just don't feel like I belong.
I responded to the angry driver by smiling and praying for him. I am sure that made him even more mad.
Good times in the sweetheart city :) TGIF
Everlasting God

The voice of a child is precious in and of itself. Yet, when you are able to witness a child worshipping their Maker, that is a unique experience not soon forgotten! I was privileged to be a part of last nights worship experience with Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman and Louie Giglio. If I have not said it in a while, I LOVE those guys, their hearts and their ministry! Passion

Louie gave the most beautiful, inspiring message about How Great our God truly is! Chris followed that message with an acoustic version of his new song "Everlasting God." The little boy behind me was fully engaged in the moment, and shouted in his best singing voice a line from the chorus... "You are the Everlasting God..." My heart melted along with all of those around me. There is just something so special about a child declaring the name of God. It was so powerful! For me, children are the best worship leaders! I cry every time the kids choirs lead worship. It is beyond precious! I am reminded of God's call on our lives as His followers from Matthew 18...
"He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
Last night was a beautiful and descriptive picture of what the body of Christ should be. I was honored to stand with fellow Christ Followers and worship the God of all creation! How Great is Our God!!!
Check out these great sites...
Frickin' Sweet Book!
2006- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...

My personal look back at 2006...
Here I sit. 9:34pm on December 31, 2006. Less than 3 hours left in this year. It feels like it has gone by so fast, yet in reality, this year has included so much crap, it is hard to believe that it is just now the New Year.
I know we all have hopes that 2007 will be a better year for us personally and for us collectively. Yet, this year, my desire for change in the New Year seems to be greater than ever before. As I reflect back on 2006, I can still feel the scars on my heart from so many difficult and trying situations for me personally and around the world. Maybe it is just because I am getting older, but life continues to get harder. I don't want this to be a totally pessimistic response to this past year, as I have much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful, loving husband, a great family, a roof over my head and plenty of food to eat. Most importantly, I have a loving Savior who continues to pursue me and use me in spite of myself. He is more than enough!
As a Christ Follower, I look back over 2006 and it is difficult to see anything at all. I feel as though I have been in a deep valley trying to make my way through dense fog. Nothing makes sense to me. The year began as I left the only job I have ever loved. I know I am called to work with students and love them as Christ would. Yet, that does not seem to be the season I find myself in. The year continued as my husband and I moved north to be a part of a church plant. We felt so good about our decision to move, yet it has been one of the hardest things we have done together thus far. There are no words to describe leaving behind everything and everyone you love and venturing out in faith to start life over. The church is a beautiful expression of Christ to our city. It is by far one of the most unique communities we have seen. However, not once has this been what we expected, and not once has it been what we would call comfortable.
I am beginning to discover the humongous disconnect between the things that I want out of this world, and the things that God values in this world. They are night and day. Being a 27 year old, I am ready for the nice house, stable income,lots of insurance, cute little family with a nice car and my cute little dogs. Does anyone truly have those things? I am beginning to wonder.
What does Christ desire to see in my life this next year? It is such a blur to me. I do not understand, but at least I am asking.
My heart bears the scars of the deep sadness of war in our world, of not feeling like a part of God's church, of the downfall of trusted leaders and friends in my life. Life and death, health and suffering, wants vs. needs, accepting truth and dealing with its consequences.
2006 has been the worst year of my life health wise. I have learned the hard way how to slow down my life and be thankful for an hour of feeling good. I don't know that I would have learned these lessons any other way. For that I am grateful. I hold fear in my heart that 2007 will be the same, for even as I sit here and write these random thoughts, my headache rages on.
2 hours and counting...
God is good to me. He has never failed me! Yet, disappointment is the word I would use to describe this past year. I guess things never turn out the way that we would have them to. And, I know that is a good thing. Just hard to swallow sometimes.
My prayers for 2007 include...
-Direction and vision from God as to how to use my gifts to Glorify Him and serve His people.
-Protection for my amazing marriage
-To re-connect with friends far away. There is such a void in my life without them.
-Financial provision for my family
-Healing, comfort and restoration for Pastor Ted
-A wonderful, new leader for New Life Church
-Healing for my illness
-That I may be more like Christ everyday in 2007
I have a genuine hope that 2007 will bring a new song for me. One of celebration and praise. Please join me in praying for these things and for our generation, that we may be used by God to change the world! That people all over the world would come to know the hope that can only come from God, and that each one of us would find our strength in the joy of the Lord!
May we learn from 2006 and be equipped for 2007. Wishing all of you many blessings for the New Year!
The Wrong Place at the Right Time

For those who read my blog on occasion, I have been sick the past few weeks, and have missed writing. But a few Saturdays ago, I had quite the day, and I learned a lot, so I am going to share...
The day started out normal with me sitting in my office doing absolutely nothing (typical Saturday for me). In the distance I heard the faint sound of sirens and didn't think much of it until they came racing into the parking lot of my apartment complex. (I am the property manager for my complex) It is my responsibility to take care of our property and our residents, so naturally, I locked up the office quickly and ran to meet the emergency workers.
My first job when I moved to this new city was working at Hallmark (A nightmare in and of itself). But, while I was working there, I met this sweet lady named Sally. She came in almost every day I worked to buy chocolate. She and I would talk about life, friends, family and most of all her beloved cats. Sally was much older than me and was obviously very ill with some sort of disease. I never asked her about it, but I knew.
I explained to the EMT's who I was and asked what the problem was. As I walked around the corner, I saw Sally on the ground. I didn't even know she lived in my complex, but there she was, convulsing and throwing up blood in the hall. Thankfully, I remembered her name and held her hand as they loaded her onto the stretcher and into the ambulance. They whisked her off to the ER, and I thought for sure that she was going to die.
After the ambulance left, I noticed that they had left some of her personal belongings in the hall, along with a big bucket of blood. EWW!!! Those of you who know me, know that I don't deal well with that at all! Then, my mind started wondering why she was in the hall and not in her apartment? So, I walked back to my office, got the keys to her apartment and headed back over there to put her things in her apartment and dump the bucket of blood. I could not just leave it in the hall. :(
I turned the key to her apartment, and immediately her cat came running towards me. He seemed frantic. As I opened the door, I saw something I have never seen, and hope I will never see again. I have seen messy homes before, but there are no words to describe what I saw. It was the most rank, foul, horrible, terrible place I have ever seen. There was crap and trash and junk piled from floor to ceiling. It was very apparent that she has never once cleaned in the 4 years that she has lived there. I set her things on top of a pile, and went around the corner to dump the blood. I was taken aback by hundreds of empty bottles of alcohol. There was not even a path to walk. She didn't even have a bed. There were plants growing out of the sink, and there was no way to even get to the laundry room or kitchen. I freaked out! I couldn't believe it. So, I just set the bucket of blood on top of a pile and ran out of there. I was near tears as I realized that she lives in this filth and will not allow anyone into her life. I began wondering what illness she had, and why she would be drinking herself to death. One of our other staff members came into the office, and I was obviously upset. I told her the story, and she offered to go back in with me to dump the blood. We put on gloves and masks and held hands as we went in. YES, it was that bad! Our experience got worse from there as we attempted to go in the bathroom. I will spare you details.
Turns out, Sally has liver and stomach cancer. She survived and is back home. I have not gone to see her yet, nor have we confronted her about her apartment. But, I realized how important it is to smile at strangers and be polite and pleasant to everyone we meet. The relationship I built with her at Hallmark was more important than I knew. She is all alone. You never know what someones life is like. You never know the hurt and pain that live within that persons heart. I now pray for Sally each day, and hope that I get the chance to get to know her better before her death. I also learned that it is mandatory to clean my house well each week! :) ha ha ha.
After work that day, I jumped in the car and drove to Denver to see my husband and his band lead worship at a church down there. I was tired, shook up and not feeling well at all, but felt like I needed to go. The service was fine, nothing exciting, and I was feeling worse by the hour. So, I said my good byes and headed towards the car to drive home. There was a lady in a wheelchair sitting by the front door. I said hello and asked her if she had a ride home. She told me that RTD was supposed to pick her up and that they were late. I asked her if she wanted me to stay with her until they came. She said yes. Inspite of my health, I stayed. Her name was Cindy and she had a stroke when she was 30 years old. She has been paralyzed ever since. That was 20 years ago. She is the most incredible woman I have ever met. She lives in a nursing home and cannot get out of her wheelchair. She is the most positive and faithful person I have met. She is full of joy in the Lord. I was able to hear all about her life, her faith, her family and more. It turned out that RTD had totally forgotten her. So, 3 hours later and many phone calls to RTD and her nursing home, we got her back on her way. I learned more from her that night than I had in a long time. She truly considers it a joy to suffer like Christ. I was humbled that I even got the opportunity to hang out with such a woman.
It was obvious to me that God put me in those specific situations that day to teach me about my own life and my own pain. we get to choose how we handle lifes trials. Sally chooses to drink away her pain and loneliness. Cindy chooses to live life to the fullest and serve Christ with all that she has. I feel privileged to know both women, and I can only hope that I can be more like Cindy as I grow in my faith, and that I can be a light to Sally as she journey's towards death.
"May I never miss a sunset or a rainbow because I was sitting down!"
Holy Spirit

The Armor of God
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." -Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV
This verse became very real in my life today. Considering the season that the world is currently in, I believe this verse is even more critical to our generation than ever before! I pray that you have an encounter with the Holy Spirit today that will change your life! May we as followers of Christ clothe ourselves with the armor of God!
Please Vote!!

Dear Friends,
Please vote on Tuesday! Please pray over the responsibility that you have in choosing our laws and our government officials. I am so passionate about my generation and how God is using us!
Let your voice be heard, and may God's will be done tomorrow!

A sad, dark day

My heart is grieving and mourning. It is a sad and dark day for all of us who follow Christ. May we be reminded of our own sin and our own need for a Savior! God displayed ultimate forgiveness on the cross. May our hearts seek to forgive the wrong doings of one of our own. I could not be more proud of Pastor Ross and New Life Church!
My support for New Life Church...

Thank you to those of you who have sent comments to me about my support for Pastor Ted Haggard. I first went to New Life Church 6 years ago. A New Life Pastor was a part of my wedding ceremony, and my husband graduated from the New Life School of Worship. I know many of the staff members personally, along with many members. I love that church! I love those people! I believe with all of my heart that Pastor Ted is a wonderful man of God and an incredible leader! I am deeply saddened, confused and angered by this week's events. I plan on attending the New Life gathering tomorrow to hear from them what is really going on. Some of you have asked if I will still support Pastor Ted if these allegations turn out to be true. My answer is yes. He has had a significant impact in my life for many years. I love him dearly as my spiritual leader. Of course, I do not understand why this happened. I am upset, and frustrated! But, I realize that Pastor Ted is a human being just like me. I make mistakes. He makes mistakes. I will always have a special place for him in my heart. As for New Life Church, it will go on. It is one of the strongest communities of believers that I have ever been a part of. Pastor Ted is a phenomenal leader, and his legacy at New Life will show that. There are so many wonderful pastors there. New Life Church has impacted the entire world. I am humbled and blessed by the amount of support pouring in from all over the world. Please continue to pray for Pastor Ted, his family and New Life Church during this terrible time!
Dear Catholic Friends...

Here is one of the latest comments I received on one of my blog entries...
Anonymous said...
"I've been trying recently to read about the Emerging/Emergent church movement, and I keep bumping into one question I just can't seem to answer: What questions is the movement trying to answer that have not been addressed by the Catholic Church for hundreds of years? Things like being "missional" and raising up in followers a lived, "monastic" type faith are par for the course in Catholicism, fully expected and fully effective. The key difference seems to me similar to the key break between Catholicism and Protestantism: How do we interpret the Bible? Should interpretation be left to men who have had years of graduate training in theological study and traditional interpretation, or should untrained individuals with access to nothing but translations of the text be allowed to read any portion out of context and declare it authoritative?
I don't mean to sound aggressive. I really don't. I just don't understand why Protestantism has felt as though it has to come up with a new style of church for every new generation. There have been liturgical Protestants, Evangelical Protestants, and Emergent Protestants, just to name a few, but all the while, somehow, the Catholic Church has still managed to attract members from all walks of life to unity through the Eucharist with a bond of theology that is understood to be True. It still has, by far, more members than all Protestant denominations combined, and I can't help but feel like the different types of Protestant churches only increase the division and hostility among the Body of Christ.
I'm not really comfortable posting my email address on here or anything, but I'd really love to get a response from you somehow, so if you could maybe post a response reply or a response entry, that'd be really cool.
Thanks for responding if you do, and thanks for reading this even if you don't."
I love these questions! Thank you so much for taking the time to think through and pose them! First, let me say that some of my favorite friends are evangelical Catholics. I am continually humbled by their faith and the way they live their lives for Christ. I have attended Catholic mass many times over the years.
I agree with you that the division among churches/denominations makes it difficult for outsiders to view all of us as one church. It totally bums me out that we are so competitive among ourselves, and that we would speak poorly of one another. I believe that God grieves over our petty differences.
You are right! The Emergent movement has many similarities to the Catholic Church. In my experience, the emerging church desires to put focus back on being a "missional" church, and it seeks to combine the ancient traditions of our faith with new ways of expressing it. The funny thing about the emergent church is that no two of them are the same. It is hard to actually define it.
In my case, I am a young woman in the church who loves God, and wants to be a part of a church that has true passion and vision for reaching the lost and serving the less fortunate. Personally, I connect with and experience God through music and creative arts. I am passionate about creating sacred spaces that help others focus on God's Word and in prayer. It doesn't matter to me whether they are Catholic or Protestant. I believe there are things about all churches that need serious thought and re-consideration. That is why I love being a part of this conversation!
As for your question about needing to redefine church for new generations, I see your point. However, I believe that you can be relevant to today's culture while standing firm on the absolutes of the Christian faith. My biggest issue with today's churches of all kinds is their lack of acceptance of the younger generations and the way they express themselves.
I plan on writing a new entry this week about your question of who is qualified to teach God's Word. So, please check that out.
What it all comes down to is this...I love my Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope they will love me the same. My prayer is that we would put our differences aside and strive to know and love God with all that we are and serve Him and His people for the rest of our lives here on earth.
Thanks again for your comment. Please keep up the conversation!
In His Grace,

There are days when you just cannot escape the Holy Spirit. Today is one of those days for me. My heart is humbled and broken. My spirit yearns to commune with my Father. It is a day of remembering who I am in Christ and all that implies for my life as a follower of Him. It is so important to remember where we have been and where we are going. God is good, no matter what our current circumstances. He wants to use us to change the world. May we be sensitive to His spirit today!
You cause the lame to walk
You open lips to talk
You're everything
That is who You are
You calm the storms at night
You turn the dark to light
You're everything
That is who You are
My Savior
My Healer
That is Who You Are
My Maker
My Father
That is Who You Are
-Desperation Band 2006- Album: Who You Are- Integrity Music

Right on! I love this ministry! It is near and dear to my heart! As a woman who follows Christ, my heart breaks for the women who find themselves involved in the porn industry. I cannot imagine the sadness and emptiness that envelopes their lives.
If you have not heard of xxxchurch.com, you have GOT to check it out today! Some of you are thinking that this is more than rethinking church, this crosses a line. I hear you! But, I also hear the statistics that 50% or more of today's pastors in the church struggle with addiction to pornography! That is ASTOUNDING! I also hear that convention hotels love to book Christian conferences, because they make so much more money off of the porn movies in the hotel rooms during the conference vs. a secular conference.
From the depths of who God created me to be, I hate pornography! I hate everything about it! I hate what is does to men who become addicted, I hate that it ruins marriages, I hate that it exploits women and belittles who God made them to be, I hate that the church wont talk about it, I hate that it promotes such an image driven society for young girls, I hate everything about it!
I gotta tell you, there are pastors, denominations, ministries coming out against what xxxchurch is doing. I LOVE WHAT THEY ARE DOING! I will say it proudly...
I believe that Jesus Christ loves Porn Stars just like he loves screwed up, little me!

I believe what the bible says abut Jesus spending his time with the poor, the repulsive, the tax collectors and the prostitutes. Why do we think that we are better than them today? Jesus calls us to "Go and Make Disciples of all Nations!" Matthew 28. Does that mean all nations except those with sinners? Or those with Porn Stars? What is the difference between prison ministry and what xxxchurch is doing? THERE IS NOT ONE!
Please check out this incredible new ministry! You can be their friend on myspace by logging onto www.myspace.com/xxxchurch
If you or someone you know struggles with Internet pornography, xxxchurch.com offers a free software to help keep you accountable.
May we be a generation of people who follow Christ and love all people (even porn stars and porn addicts) for Him!
I would love to work with these guys! Right On!
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