So, Thursday was a long day. But for the first time in a LONG time, I felt like myself again. I didn't even realize how lost I had become. I actually spent the day with my friends. What a concept huh? I had become so secluded in my hurt and my drama that I was embarrassed to spend time with the people who mean the most to me. I realized something very important about myself... I am great at emailing, I am great at myspacing, I love to keep up my now 3 web sites, and I love my ALONE time!!! I have become a total introvert! What the heck? This from the girl who was Ms. Extrovert in high school and involved in everything! Ms. I have tons of friends in college and spend all of my time out and about, Ms. I did youth ministry for 5 1/2 years and loved every second of it...Now, I have just wanted to be alone. Hmmm... (Deep thoughts at 4:30am, gotta love em') What has changed in me? Why am I so different now? I don't think it is necessarily bad, but definitely different!
So, last night, I was home by myself because my husband works 13 hour days on Thursdays, so after watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition- After the Storm, and shedding many tears over the newly re-built little league field that was destroyed by Hurricane Wilma, I decided to turn off the TV (What a concept?!?)
I went to my stacks of boxes of books that now lay with dust all over them from when I had an office and worked in the church. I knew what I needed to do... I pulled out the compilation of short writings by Mike Yaconelli. If you don't know who he is, He is one of the most passionate, crazy, real Christ followers I have ever met! Unfortunately, he tragically passed away in a car accident a few years ago. So, I started reading...It was like my heart caught on fire again! I didn't realize how dark and dusty it had become. I LOVE GOD! I LOVE HIS CHURCH! And, I have a deep passion to remind the church of how God intended it to be. No more Corporate church! That makes me sick! We need Jesus! We want Jesus! We are desperate for Jesus! Screw all the programs, Screw all the hipe and the professional look and feel of polished productions! We NEED Jesus! We WANT Jesus! We are DESPERATE for Jesus! I NEED Jesus! I WANT Jesus, I am desperate for JESUS!
If you like me have a passion for church change! Please don't let that fire be extinguished! Let's talk and share with one another and keep praying for the revolution! We are the ones we have been waiting for!
May God use our generation to change the world, maybe one last time!
More thoughts to come at a normal hour of the day. Thanks for reading!