I thought that I was overwhelmed by my surrounding circumstances last week. Today, I find myself just weeping over the sadness of the world. I can not even explain how thankful I am to know God and be in a relationship with him. I can not even fathom life without him.
With today comes a new outlook on the gift of life, the gift of breath. Last night, I was able to sit with a fellow brother in Christ as he took his last breath. I heard the words of his family as they said goodbye and prayed for his entry into Heaven. I witnessed the human body fighting to hang on to life. I experienced Jesus in that ER room like I never have before. God is good. He is so gracious. My heart hurts and grieves for my friends, as they lost their loving father way too soon. Yet, a strange peace descended while watching a mortal life slip away and an eternal one begin. There are just no words.
This week has brought so much tragedy and hurt to my doorstep. I am so thankful that God can use me in my brokenness. However, my heart has had about all it can take this week.
I was able to re-connect with the young woman from my previous blog entry who is involved in a horribly abusive relationship. God had me in the right place at the right time again as I witnessed another domestic fight. I was able to bring this young woman to my home and sit and talk with her. I was able to listen and love her right where she was. She is so different from me in so many ways, yet so similar in many others. I did my best to share the hope of Christ with her. I did my best to stand up for the sanctity of life. Although I left that evening feeling defeated by the enemy, I am thankful I had the opportunity.
How does life get so messed up and out of control? Why does God allow people to hurt so deeply. How do I as His follower make a difference and take care of these people He brings into my life. I pray that God would continue to give me an enormous heart of mercy, and that He would equip me with the strength and the tools I need to serve those He brings my way.
Death is such a conflicting thing when you follow Christ. It is so very tragic and sad, while at the same time the best thing that can happen to a person. I am exhausted, conflicted, confused and sad today. But I am forever grateful for Him who has made all of the difference in my life.