This week, I turned 26 years old. Due to the sadness I have been feeling about my role in the body of Christ the last few months, I decided to spend my birthday alone with God just being who I was created to be. A worshipper. I was privileged to gather with others from my generation for a night of intimate, real, loud, worship. I was overcome with a feeling of loss at the fact that it has been way too long since this has been a top priority in my life. The hurt from too many negative church experiences has quenched my passion. As I was singing over and over "You give and take away, you give and take away, my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be Your name." It came to me. I am really, really little, and God is really, really big! (Deep thoughts by Kristi) In other words, I am completely insignificant when you think of all that God has created. As that thought humbled me and honestly made me feel totally crappy about my sometimes prideful attitude towards todays church, it also reminded me that the only reason I will ever be significant is because God is significant, and even though He has made more than I can possibly even get my head around, He knows my name, He loves me more than I could ever imagine, and because of Him and the sacrifice of His son, I can enjoy and find rest in my significant insignificance.
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