Must be willing to work 80+ hours per week, must be willing to sacrafice your family, Wages= $2 an hour, must be willing to spend own money for job supplies and outings, masters of divinity required! Job responsibilities will include: build relationships with every person you meet, save their lives, administration, programming, graphic and web design, clean offices, accounting, teaching, playing music, writing curriculum, interior decorating, multi-media design, babysitting, dealing with teenagers, planning and leading all events and trips, creativity and passion a must! Must be available to work Christmas and Easter. Little or no vacation time will be allowed. You will be on call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You will submit and report to a group of people who are merely volunteers and do not know what is going on in your job. You must have the utmost integrity and have no sin in your life at all. Honesty about struggles in your life will result in immediate termination. To apply, please contact your local church!
Well, I have not ranted in a while, just my thoughts on ministry in general today. Take it or leave it. I know that God calls us to ministry for Him, and I love that, but I think we might have mis-understood His call. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Yes it is unfortunate that you MUST be perfect to hold a leadership position in the church. Heaven forbid you sin like the rest of the world.
Miss you Kristi! Come see my blog!
Ahhhh, the joys of ministry... Kristi, you make a good point. The expectation of perfection in church leadership is unrealistic and just plain WRONG. I am a big proponent of spritual health, and have seen too many friends experience ministry burnout because of these expectations. I am guessing that you experienced some of that from your previous job, hence why you are taking a job from being a "Professional Christian." :)
If we don't build into those that are ministering to us, then they will have nothing left to give. THIS NEEDS TO STOP!
As far as pay, I find it interesting that generally-speaking, the jobs that involve the most people interation and relationship building (ministry, teachers, retail, waiters, baristas, counselors, etc.), are the LEAST paid, while the ones that pay the most are predominantly occupied by jobs that cater to independent, introverted people. i.e. engineers and scientists who LIVE in their cubes crunching numbers, only coming out of hibernation to reload their staplers and gnaw on a chicken bone and top ramen (sorry, overgeneralizing there. all brainy peeps, don't take it personal! I am dumb!)
Um, oh yeah, check out my blog too! :)
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