So, you know me...always having weird experiences. Today my husband and I were at Sams Club doing some grocery shopping. I saw a big, shiny tool box and told Nick that his brother might like something like that. So, naturally, being a man, he went right over to check it out. Inside one of the drawers was a tract. Yes, you read that correctly. On the front of the tract it says "What you miss by being a Christian." My first response, was "ha ha, someone ripping on Christians again." So, I put it down to read later for a good laugh. A few isles later, I opened it to see who produced it. Want to know what it said?!?!? HELL! That's right... HELL!

Then it lists all of the descriptions of hell from the bible. On the back side, it tells you how to make a decision for Christ to avoid going to hell and then a place where you can write these crazy people and tell them you are now a Christian because of their horrible flyer.
Crap like this makes me NOT even want to be associated with Christianity!! Who the HELL! thinks this is a way to get people to become Christ followers? Are we even concerned with leading people to be followers of Christ anymore? Or are we just concerned with getting people to pray a certain prayer so we can put another notch on our belt of people that we have saved from HELL!
I am embarrassed to be a Christian 99% of the time. No wonder people think we are total freaks!
Needless to say, I am going to write these tract producers and tell them about my experience with their tract. It may not be very Christ like :) ha ha ha.
For those of you who may not know Christ, I apologize on behalf of these people, and all of us who do not represent Christ well. Including myself! He is full of grace, mercy, compassion, love and forgiveness! Not hate! Please forgive our displays of religion, and seek Christ for who He really is.
For a copy of my response to these yahoos, just shoot me an email or comment. It is not suitable for my blog. ha ha ha.
God Help Us!
you know I want a copy.
as well as myself
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