
Thoughts to come...

Here are the writings I am tossing around in my head and will be appearing on this blog over the next few weeks...

"Haircuts"- John 15

"Why Can't I just be me?"- The church is not a safe place to be real about who we really are

"I find Christ in my Honda"- Heartbreak over the lack of opportunities to worship with reckless abandon

"My disreguard of God's Word"- my lack of respect, awe, fear, and reverance for the Living Word of God that sits on my nightstand, on my desk, on my coffee table and in my car.

"Communion/ Eucharist"- Thoughts on denominational doctorine that prevents Christ followers from being able to experience the Lord's Supper together.

"Prebythodistutheranaptistocastalic"- Can't I just follow Jesus? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Need I say more???

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