
Why doesn't anyone care?

It is hard to work with students. It is difficult to be a young person in the church. Today I just feel like no one cares. If we just quit doing student ministry, would anyone else on staff even notice? Would they even care? I guess I am biased, but I so believe in my generation. I believe that we can make a difference. I believe that we can be a vital part of the body of Christ. Would someone please just give us a chance? Why doesn't the church value young people? Why would you not pour out your life to mentor and love on teenagers? They are our future! They have such passion and amazing gifts! Sometimes I get so frustrated I just want to quit. But today, I am just so damn hurt that the church de-values students like they do, and in turn de-values the work and hearts of those who love and advocate for them. Lord, please give us the strength to perservere and make a difference. May you be glorified in this conversation.

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