I received this comment on my latest blog entry "True Church"...
Hi there Kristi, My names Peter. Just passing through and took a little time to read through some of your postings and thought boy could you use a visit to Hells best kept secret. Please go to http://www.livingwaters.com/listenwatch.shtml and watch it. i believe it will answer all your skepticism about the church and your own salvation. God bless you and may I also suggest try going to a calvary chapel near you. No membership required and No offering plate passed around. http://calvarychapel.org/ any ?'s u can e-mail me at (blacked out for privacy) thank you for your time....
For those of you involved in the rethinking church conversation, you MUST check out the link that he offered called "Hells Best Kept Secret."
I very much appreciate Peter taking time to read this blog and joining in the conversation. However, this message goes against everything that I believe, and I think it is an important discussion!
I am sure that most of you have heard of Rob Bell (The teaching pastor at Mars Hill Church.) And the supposed false teacher heretic according to my last blog's article. :( He has put out a series of short films called "Nooma" In this series, there is a film entitled "Bullhorn" It is one of my favorite films. Please check it out. It is a direct response to "Hells Best Kept Secret"
In the short film "Bullhorn," You are viewing a scene in which Rob and his friend are on their way to a concert, and as they approach the venue, they see and hear a man on a bullhorn screaming about Repentance, Sin and Hell. The film goes on to share about bullhorn guys life and his street ministry. The film also shows the response of the passerby to his ranting and screaming. You can imagine that the response was not a positive one. Then, you sit with Rob on a bus bench as he implores these "Bullhorn guys" to lay their bullhorns down. Rob blatantly states that it is because of bullhorn guys and those like them that Christianity is looked down upon, and that non-believers think we are arrogant and hypocritical.
I have personally encountered these "bullhorn" types, and it absolutely breaks my heart. My heart breaks for them and for those who are exposed to their so called ministry. I am all for preaching the Word of God and trying to bring light to dark places. But at the same time, I know from experience that preaching does not change lives! Relationships do! You have to meet people and love them where they are.
I appreciate the passion of those who do street ministry. I just wish they would use that passion in a different capacity that would be more effective for the Kingdom!
I want to be up front about my responses to comments posted on this blog, so here is my response to Peter...
My name is Kristi Carleton. You recently posted a comment on my blog rethinking church. I did visit the links that you provided. I have placed a response on my blog. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and your opinions. However, I do not share your views. May we agree to disagree for the sake of the Kingdom!
In His Grace,
This is in no way meant to offend Peter. This is merely a conversation starter. Sometimes I wish I didn't even care about stuff like this, but this is the stuff that keeps me awake at night. Maybe I need help :)
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