
AHHHHH! Somtimes I can't stand church!!!!!!

Today was just one of those days. Normally, I try really hard to check my attitude about church at the door when I walk into a service. Especially a service that is just not me. But today, I couldn't hang! I walked in to the hyped up show, and my heart just sank. I get SO angry! I really can't stand church a lot of the time. Here, I come off of this beautiful weekend of intimate worship with fellow followers of Christ, and then I walk into this circus of a mega church. It was almost comical to me, as I could not stand it anymore, I got up and left. At the same time, 3 of my other, young friends got up and left the service too. We were all feeling the exact same way. I feel badly about my negative attitude, but at the same time, I truly feel like this way of "doing church" is not right. In fact, it makes me crazy! How can you not involve the younger generation at all? How can you play the latest, hip Christian music and screw it up so badly? Why has worshipping God become strictly entertainment to satisfy the masses? I am so sick of this that it makes me nauseous! It makes me contemplate just not doing the church thing anymore. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stupid!!!

1 comment:

Dr. Jeff Baxter said...

Kristi, Thank you for your honesty and risk taking in these articles. Yes, we need more voices calling God's people to reform from the inside out. Yes, we need to simplify our faith to The Word (Scriptures and Jesus). Yes, we need to "be the Church" not a building full of people. I look forward to reading...Jeff Baxter