Ahh, one of my favorite church subjects... "Church Membership!"
When I was in either 6th or 7th grade (I can't remember) I was confirmed as an actual member of Littleton United Methodist Church!! WOHOOO!!! All I had to do was be sprinkled as a baby, take an 8 week long class about the Methodist church and visit the administration building for the United Methodist Church and walk through the campus of the Iliff School of Theology. I don't remember choosing to be a part of this class, it is just what you do when you are that age in most of today's mainline churches. Then, after you suffer through 8 weeks of horrible, cheesy curriculum, you get to stand up in front of all of the old people in the church and take this oath/covenant. I agree to support________ church with my time, talent and treasure. CONGRATULATIONS! You are a member of the church!
Disclaimer: My youth pastor was an integral part of my faith development and my life. I appreciate every effort he made and continues to make to bring students to Christ!
In 2000, I actually became a believer in the church. Yet, I was already a member, so I am not quite sure what that means. Unfortunately, I was now a member of the wrong church. So, I had to write an official letter to transfer my membership to my new church community. The funny and very sad part was that even though I was on the books as a member, I had not served that church at all with my time, talent or treasure. Again, VERY confusing!
In 2002, I joined the staff of a mega church in south Denver. In order to be on staff there, I had to take the 4 hour membership class and become a member. So, now I had to sit through the evangelical Presbyterian version of the membership class and sign the dotted line that I would serve this place with my time, talent and treasure. Well, I kind of figured that I would serve that church when I agreed to be on staff. Hmmm...
Ok, I was attending and serving at the church where I became a believer, because I wholeheartedly believed in the mission and vision of that place. This particular church did not have a membership program (yet.) I was on staff at a mega church which I loved, but was not super connected to, and I am a member.
Then, the church I was passionate about and serving at and part of the community decided to implement a "Partnership" Program (The new, hip way to say membership)
I was intrigued. So, I picked up the flyer about it and quickly realized that I did not qualify to be a "Partner" at my own church, because I was already a member at the church I worked at and I could not commit to being a part of a new Sunday night program due to other obligations. It didn't matter at all that I already served that place with my time, talent and treasure, and had for 5 years.
That was the beginning of the end for me. I felt completely left out, un-appreciated and ostracized from my own community because I was not an official "Partner." This brings me to today...
I am proud to say that I am still a "member" at the mega-church where I used to work, even though I have not attended there for 9 months, and don't intend to be a part of that community any time soon. hmmm...
Now, to the debate. Why do we have church membership? What does the bible say about formal church membership? Is this just a man made formality that we have added to the institution of church? I recently posed this question to a pastor friend. He sent this article as a reference for me to read about the pro's of church membership. Check it out...
Taking Church Membership Seriously
Why it's time to raise the bar.
An interview with Ken Sande
Membership is not all that important at our church, about a third of respondents to a recent Leadership Weekly poll said. While 38 percent said attenders were frequently urged to join, and 34 percent said the membership appeal was occasionally given, the remainder said their church placed little or no emphasis on membership. That trend, according to many experts, is a mistake, the costly result of a casual, come-as-you-are attitude.
The church should be less like a cruise ship and more like a battleship, says Ken Sande of Peacemaker Ministries. Rather than emphasizing their casual atmosphere and fun activities, Sande says it's time for churches to raise the bar, to focus on a serious mission, and ensure that every person aboard serves a vital function. To make the shift, Sande says we must recapture the importance and meaning of church membership. If nothing else, emphasizing membership can protect the church from the growing threat of lawsuits.
Can you give an example of how deemphasizing membership can be perilous for a church?
I counseled a church where an attender used his relationships within the church to persuade people to invest over $2 million with him. The money was never returned to the investors. The church leadership struggled to respond because the man was not a member. If they said something publicly and warned the congregation about his actions, they risked a lawsuit for slander and defamation of character.
The church leaders finally asked the man to leave, but said nothing to the congregation. As a result he continued to scam people in the church for another year. When the victimized members discovered that church leaders knew about the man's actions but failed to publicly warn the congregation, they in turn threatened to sue the church for failing to protect them.
Several courts have ruled that churches may not discipline people who have not specifically consented to discipline. In this case, church leaders could not publicly warn the congregation about the man's actions without threat of a lawsuit because he was not a member, and had not consented to discipline. By not emphasizing membership, the leaders were prevented from fulfilling one of their most important biblical tasks—protecting the flock.
Why are more churches no longer emphasizing the importance of membership?
First, we've given in to our culture's antagonism toward commitment and accountability. Like parents who are afraid to discipline their teenagers, church leaders are afraid they will be unpopular for emphasizing commitment and accountability.
Secondly, there is a concern that if we create a barrier at the front door to the church, not as many people will enter, and the pressure leaders feel to grow the church is enormous today. But what we don't realize is that by not emphasizing membership we may have a wide-open front door, but we also have a wide-open back door. Numerical growth is really not helped by deemphasizing membership.
Many see membership in the church as similar to membership in other community organizations. How do we help people see it differently?
It requires very good teaching, and we need to use the terminology found in the Bible rather than our culture. The Bible speaks of the church as a family, or the household of God. If we emphasize this family language it will help people see that church membership is not like joining a country club, it is about joining an organic family.
The concept of the Body is also very helpful. The church is called the Body of Christ in the New Testament, and you don't just casually amputate a thumb. In fact, if the thumb is hurting the whole body goes to its aid. This metaphor shows the commitment, the accountability, and the interdependence of the church. Church leaders need to draw these concepts from scripture and clearly teach them.
How can leaders ensure that they have protected the church legally through a membership process?
You must achieve what lawyers call "informed consent." If you can show your people know what your church's disciplinary practices are, and that they have consented to them, that is a virtually ironclad defense against lawsuits.
You can achieve informed consent in a few ways. First, maintaining an attendance for the membership class so you can prove who has received the teaching. Second, a higher level of proof is to have new members stand before the church and actually verbalize membership vows and commitments. A third level, which gives you the best protection, is a signed membership covenant.
What should be included in a membership covenant?
The covenant itself can be kept fairly simple. A statement as basic as, "I have received a copy of the church's policies of redemptive discipline, and I consent to be bound by them" is sufficient. The church needs to have their disciplinary policies outlined somewhere and accessible to members, but the covenant only needs to refer to this other document to secure informed consent.
Apart from securing legal protection, what else is vital to include in a membership process?
At my church we have a twelve-week membership course, and our first priority is making sure a person has a credible profession of faith and understands the gospel. We also cover the theology of the church, our polity, our vision, how we handle conflicts, and an understanding of church discipline. Finally, it is helpful to discuss expectations for members regarding giving, respecting leadership, and serving in the community.
The membership process will be different in every church, but it is important to treat it as a significant event. When we treat it casually it sends the message that membership is casual. We highlight membership by having a special service, a membership Sunday. It is a serious ceremony that communicates the importance of membership.
What about retrofitting? How do churches with loose membership expectations, or none at all, begin to change and achieve informed consent?
Retrofitting requires a process that may take one to three years of educating the church to think more biblically about membership. I recommend preaching from Deuteronomy where there is a restatement of the Law.
Our church did this. We said to the congregation, "Times have changed from years ago when you could have a loose relationship with the church. Our society and our laws have changed. It's time for us to renew and tighten up the covenant."
Our people were very responsive to that because we took the time to educate them. We held a congregational meeting where revised bylaws and policies were presented, along with new procedures for accountability and conflict resolution. We met in small groups to talk personally, and over several months there was a lot of dialogue. That culminated in a church meeting where the new policies and bylaws were accepted. At that time we handed out a new membership covenant to be signed.
The last thing we did, to make sure we had informed consent, was send out a letter to everyone who did not sign the covenant. It said, even though we have not received a written covenant from you, we will interpret your continued attendance at our church, beyond a specified date, as your affirmation and consent to these policies. We didn't have a single family leave the church.
An attorney and engineer, Ken Sande is founder of Peacemaker ministries, a mediation and counseling service for churches and couples. www.hispeace.org
Do you have a question for Ken? Write to us at Newsletter@LeadershipJournal.net.
Click to read Ken Sande's recent articles on church discipline.
Copyright © 2005 by the author or Christianity Today International/Leadership Journal.
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April 18, 2005
Check back tomorrow for my response to this article.
Let's continue the conversation!
1 comment:
Interesting Journey, Kristi, and one I'm sure is pete-and-repeated in many people's lives. I was a member of a church in NM that went defunct while I was away in Bible college. I've sought membership in other churches, but never felt compelled to "join." For me, the primary benefit of membership was the ability to vote in church business meetings. Other than that, I honestly have little motivation -- even when I'm teaching a class. I suppose if I served on staff, I would have to seek membership. But, until then....
I think membership as we have construed in in North America grows out of the "seperation of church and state" dogma ... as long as churches want to be legally protected from taxes they must be also legally incorporated. As legal corpses (pun intended) they would have a board of directors (the deacons and pastor) and stakeholders (the membership). That's where the legal protections and dictums come in.
This is a legal layer of complication that obscures what we usually think of when we talk about church "membership," and that is, "Is Kristi a member of the Body of Christ, and how do we recognize that?"
Legally, there's no way to recognize it. Thus: the membership classes and the dotted lines.
Spiritually, only Christ can recongize it, though there are fruit we can look for.
The heartache is when full-fledged members of the Body of Christ have conflicts with the legal requirements for local church membership and therefore cannot be recognized as members in good standing and cannot partake in the church business as they ought.
I don't see a way out of it, really. It's a shame.
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