
Dear Catholic Friends...

Here is one of the latest comments I received on one of my blog entries...

Anonymous said...
"I've been trying recently to read about the Emerging/Emergent church movement, and I keep bumping into one question I just can't seem to answer: What questions is the movement trying to answer that have not been addressed by the Catholic Church for hundreds of years? Things like being "missional" and raising up in followers a lived, "monastic" type faith are par for the course in Catholicism, fully expected and fully effective. The key difference seems to me similar to the key break between Catholicism and Protestantism: How do we interpret the Bible? Should interpretation be left to men who have had years of graduate training in theological study and traditional interpretation, or should untrained individuals with access to nothing but translations of the text be allowed to read any portion out of context and declare it authoritative?

I don't mean to sound aggressive. I really don't. I just don't understand why Protestantism has felt as though it has to come up with a new style of church for every new generation. There have been liturgical Protestants, Evangelical Protestants, and Emergent Protestants, just to name a few, but all the while, somehow, the Catholic Church has still managed to attract members from all walks of life to unity through the Eucharist with a bond of theology that is understood to be True. It still has, by far, more members than all Protestant denominations combined, and I can't help but feel like the different types of Protestant churches only increase the division and hostility among the Body of Christ.

I'm not really comfortable posting my email address on here or anything, but I'd really love to get a response from you somehow, so if you could maybe post a response reply or a response entry, that'd be really cool.

Thanks for responding if you do, and thanks for reading this even if you don't."

I love these questions! Thank you so much for taking the time to think through and pose them! First, let me say that some of my favorite friends are evangelical Catholics. I am continually humbled by their faith and the way they live their lives for Christ. I have attended Catholic mass many times over the years.

I agree with you that the division among churches/denominations makes it difficult for outsiders to view all of us as one church. It totally bums me out that we are so competitive among ourselves, and that we would speak poorly of one another. I believe that God grieves over our petty differences.

You are right! The Emergent movement has many similarities to the Catholic Church. In my experience, the emerging church desires to put focus back on being a "missional" church, and it seeks to combine the ancient traditions of our faith with new ways of expressing it. The funny thing about the emergent church is that no two of them are the same. It is hard to actually define it.

In my case, I am a young woman in the church who loves God, and wants to be a part of a church that has true passion and vision for reaching the lost and serving the less fortunate. Personally, I connect with and experience God through music and creative arts. I am passionate about creating sacred spaces that help others focus on God's Word and in prayer. It doesn't matter to me whether they are Catholic or Protestant. I believe there are things about all churches that need serious thought and re-consideration. That is why I love being a part of this conversation!

As for your question about needing to redefine church for new generations, I see your point. However, I believe that you can be relevant to today's culture while standing firm on the absolutes of the Christian faith. My biggest issue with today's churches of all kinds is their lack of acceptance of the younger generations and the way they express themselves.

I plan on writing a new entry this week about your question of who is qualified to teach God's Word. So, please check that out.

What it all comes down to is this...I love my Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope they will love me the same. My prayer is that we would put our differences aside and strive to know and love God with all that we are and serve Him and His people for the rest of our lives here on earth.

Thanks again for your comment. Please keep up the conversation!
In His Grace,



There are days when you just cannot escape the Holy Spirit. Today is one of those days for me. My heart is humbled and broken. My spirit yearns to commune with my Father. It is a day of remembering who I am in Christ and all that implies for my life as a follower of Him. It is so important to remember where we have been and where we are going. God is good, no matter what our current circumstances. He wants to use us to change the world. May we be sensitive to His spirit today!

You cause the lame to walk
You open lips to talk
You're everything
That is who You are
You calm the storms at night
You turn the dark to light
You're everything
That is who You are
My Savior
My Healer
That is Who You Are
My Maker
My Father
That is Who You Are

-Desperation Band 2006- Album: Who You Are- Integrity Music



Right on! I love this ministry! It is near and dear to my heart! As a woman who follows Christ, my heart breaks for the women who find themselves involved in the porn industry. I cannot imagine the sadness and emptiness that envelopes their lives.

If you have not heard of xxxchurch.com, you have GOT to check it out today! Some of you are thinking that this is more than rethinking church, this crosses a line. I hear you! But, I also hear the statistics that 50% or more of today's pastors in the church struggle with addiction to pornography! That is ASTOUNDING! I also hear that convention hotels love to book Christian conferences, because they make so much more money off of the porn movies in the hotel rooms during the conference vs. a secular conference.

From the depths of who God created me to be, I hate pornography! I hate everything about it! I hate what is does to men who become addicted, I hate that it ruins marriages, I hate that it exploits women and belittles who God made them to be, I hate that the church wont talk about it, I hate that it promotes such an image driven society for young girls, I hate everything about it!

I gotta tell you, there are pastors, denominations, ministries coming out against what xxxchurch is doing. I LOVE WHAT THEY ARE DOING! I will say it proudly...
I believe that Jesus Christ loves Porn Stars just like he loves screwed up, little me!

I believe what the bible says abut Jesus spending his time with the poor, the repulsive, the tax collectors and the prostitutes. Why do we think that we are better than them today? Jesus calls us to "Go and Make Disciples of all Nations!" Matthew 28. Does that mean all nations except those with sinners? Or those with Porn Stars? What is the difference between prison ministry and what xxxchurch is doing? THERE IS NOT ONE!

Please check out this incredible new ministry! You can be their friend on myspace by logging onto www.myspace.com/xxxchurch

If you or someone you know struggles with Internet pornography, xxxchurch.com offers a free software to help keep you accountable.

May we be a generation of people who follow Christ and love all people (even porn stars and porn addicts) for Him!

I would love to work with these guys! Right On!


Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out this website...

This makes me physically ill. Here is my written response to them...

Dear Apprising Staff/ Writers

As a fellow follower of Christ, I am deeply saddened by the content of your web page!! I am a 26 year old, Christ Follower who loves God with all that I am. I feel personally attacked by your articles on Rob Bell and on the Emerging Church. I listen to Rob's messages, I have taken a class from him on preaching and teaching, and I have also attended the Emergent Convention. I am not a neo-liberal cultist! I am a person who desperately wants to see my generation come to know Christ, and live their lives for His Renown! Rob Bell has taught me so much about the Bible. My deepest prayer is that the church would stop attacking one another. Rob Bell believes and teaches the absolutes of the Christian Faith! Although he may differ from you on interpretations or deductions from the Bible, does not mean he is wrong and you are right. Nor does it mean that he is right and you are wrong! Who are we to proclaim that we perfectly understand God and His Word? How does what you are doing edify the body of Christ? Do you really believe that people who listen to Rob Bell are going to hell? And that people who associate themselves with the emergent movement are all heretics? I am pleading with you to search your heart and search God's Word, and be thankful that people like Rob Bell have the ability to reach an audience that others don't, and that people who are attracted to the Emergent movement feel like they can be a part of the church. Don't forget your primary purpose! And, please don't judge me based on your personal stereotypes! And, I will try not to be angry with and judge you!

Kristi Carleton

I hope and pray that I do not treat people like this! Oh, I am SO sad!

Hells Best Kept Secret

I received this comment on my latest blog entry "True Church"...

Hi there Kristi, My names Peter. Just passing through and took a little time to read through some of your postings and thought boy could you use a visit to Hells best kept secret. Please go to http://www.livingwaters.com/listenwatch.shtml and watch it. i believe it will answer all your skepticism about the church and your own salvation. God bless you and may I also suggest try going to a calvary chapel near you. No membership required and No offering plate passed around. http://calvarychapel.org/ any ?'s u can e-mail me at (blacked out for privacy) thank you for your time....

For those of you involved in the rethinking church conversation, you MUST check out the link that he offered called "Hells Best Kept Secret."

I very much appreciate Peter taking time to read this blog and joining in the conversation. However, this message goes against everything that I believe, and I think it is an important discussion!

I am sure that most of you have heard of Rob Bell (The teaching pastor at Mars Hill Church.) And the supposed false teacher heretic according to my last blog's article. :( He has put out a series of short films called "Nooma" In this series, there is a film entitled "Bullhorn" It is one of my favorite films. Please check it out. It is a direct response to "Hells Best Kept Secret"

In the short film "Bullhorn," You are viewing a scene in which Rob and his friend are on their way to a concert, and as they approach the venue, they see and hear a man on a bullhorn screaming about Repentance, Sin and Hell. The film goes on to share about bullhorn guys life and his street ministry. The film also shows the response of the passerby to his ranting and screaming. You can imagine that the response was not a positive one. Then, you sit with Rob on a bus bench as he implores these "Bullhorn guys" to lay their bullhorns down. Rob blatantly states that it is because of bullhorn guys and those like them that Christianity is looked down upon, and that non-believers think we are arrogant and hypocritical.

I have personally encountered these "bullhorn" types, and it absolutely breaks my heart. My heart breaks for them and for those who are exposed to their so called ministry. I am all for preaching the Word of God and trying to bring light to dark places. But at the same time, I know from experience that preaching does not change lives! Relationships do! You have to meet people and love them where they are.

I appreciate the passion of those who do street ministry. I just wish they would use that passion in a different capacity that would be more effective for the Kingdom!

I want to be up front about my responses to comments posted on this blog, so here is my response to Peter...

My name is Kristi Carleton. You recently posted a comment on my blog rethinking church. I did visit the links that you provided. I have placed a response on my blog. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and your opinions. However, I do not share your views. May we agree to disagree for the sake of the Kingdom!

In His Grace,

This is in no way meant to offend Peter. This is merely a conversation starter. Sometimes I wish I didn't even care about stuff like this, but this is the stuff that keeps me awake at night. Maybe I need help :)



True Church

Written on Thursday October 5th:
Today is the beginning of a new season in my life. Take your seats everyone, I was a part of a gathering of the church tonight that I loved! No, not in the superficial way you might think like good music, cool lighting, relevant teaching and free coffee. A gathering of real people who brought their real lives to worship the real God.

I have to admit that I was terrified to even attend such a gathering. I was nervous all day. I was concerned about what people would think of me, and there is honestly a conscious wall that I have put around my heart in regards to "church stuff", in order to protect my heart from more hurt. (Yes, I know what you are thinking...Therapy is good! You are right! I already go!)

I went through all of the 1st time visitor scenarios in my head... What if I am the only one who shows up? What if I have to sit all by myself? What happens if I say something stupid? What happens if I am dressed inappropriately for this particular church environment? What if there is no one there who thinks about church like I do?

I prayed all the way to the church (an hour drive). I have felt for weeks as though God is wanting to do something unique in my heart. I ended up arriving near the church gathering 1/2 an hour early (traffic was good for a change) This particular gathering takes place in Arvada. Immediately, I realized that I was only 5 minutes or so away from my friend Krissy's grave site. I have not been there in years. (she was my college roommate/friend who died un-expectantly in 2002.) I drove over and pulled into Mount Olivet Cemetery. I passed the section of the cemetery where the babies are buried and my heart really opened up to hear God's voice. I parked, and walked across the field towards her grave. She is buried next to 2 of the victims of the Columbine High School Shootings. My thoughts raced back in time to the last few months of her life. I remember her transformation as she met Christ for the first time. I remember her amazing smile and the joy that God brought to her life in those final months. I remembered how we would sit and talk about our new found faith and how we always wanted to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. I remembered one of the last nights I spent with her as we worshipped together and took Communion at a special gathering of The Next Level Church. I walked up to her grave, and for the first time since her death felt an incredible peace. God is good! The Fall leaves were brilliant in color and the breeze a perfect effect for the moment. I feel as though I met God in that graveyard. He wanted me to remember.

I quickly left in order to be on time to this gathering. As I pulled in front of Westwoods Community Church, It struck me that this was the last place that Krissy and I had worshipped together before her death. TNL used to meet in this building. The pieces were falling into place. I walked in the door and one of my 1st time visitor scenarios came true...I was the first and only one there. I felt somewhat awkward, but didn't care. It was obvious to me that I was here for a reason, and I was!

As people gathered, I was overcome with emotion as I realized that this group of people were just like me. I met a guy named Brandon who was so nice and genuine, we talked and I realized that he is not really part of any church, but loves God and was invited to this study. Then, I met Karen who goes to Scum of the Earth Church. Others trickled into the room, including a lady who was severely disabled, a 2 year old, and many older folks among the 20 something crowd. It was an inter generational gathering of a diverse group of people who had one thing in common, Jesus. It was a beautiful picture of the church as it should be. I felt completely comfortable to be myself, it was not about image at all, and most importantly, it did not matter what you thought about God or church, it was made abundantly clear that we are all on the journey to know God more, and that is enough. No one was pretending to be perfect or have it all together. Even the teacher was upfront about his struggles and his lack of "seminary" training. In my opinion, it was a snapshot of what God intended the church to be. Although there were 40 of us, we were able to interact with one another and God's Word in a profound way.

God spoke directly to my heart... this could have been a perfect opportunity for me to judge others and judge the church, but it was so different, so real. I fell in love with the church all over again. I am so looking forward to continuing to get to know this group of people and the book of 1 Peter. There is hope! Community is so important, sometimes you just have to wait and let God lead you to where it is you are meant to be. Don't give up!


A Lesson on Forgiveness from Amish Country

All of us watched in horror as the news came screaming across the wires. 10 little, Amish girls shot execution style in the head inside their one room school house in Pennsylvania. If you are anything like me, you felt shock and deep sadness, followed by an intense anger at our messed up society. How on earth could someone commit a crime like this? Last week we watched the same thing happen here in Colorado at Platte Canyon High School. Young girls assaulted and one dead after some sicko took them hostage. I am a loyal MSNBC watcher, and today's news out of the small, Amish village in Pennsylvania was stunning. The very people whose children were murdered in cold blood were on national television forgiving the man who committed these atrocities! There was even word that the families of those murdered went to the shooters home on the night of the shootings to tell the shooters wife and family that they hold no ill feelings towards them or their late family member. Reporters were caught off guard and somewhat speechless as they interviewed these quiet, Amish people about the topic of forgiveness.

What can we learn from this unique group of people in their time of grief? A whole LOT! I am humbled by their faith.

From the Amish Website:

Question: Do the Amish consider themselves born again Christians? How would they describe their relationship to God? Do they study the Bible or use additional prayer books?

Answer: Yes, the Amish are of the Christian faith and would be born again by accepting Christ as their Savior. Their relationship to God is the same as any other Christian would relate. The Bible is the main study book. The Amish do use a prayer book in church services and some would also use this in the home.

Although they may have differing beliefs and interpretations of scripture, they seem to agree with us on the absolutes of the Christian faith. From the small amount of research I have done on this faith group, we all have some things that we could learn from these amazing followers of Christ.

Forgiveness is one of the most difficult concepts known to man. How do you truly forgive someone for hurting you? According to this community of Amish citizens in Pennsylvania, "If you have Christ in your heart, it is easy to forgive others as Christ has forgiven you."

I find myself convicted in many areas of my life where forgiveness is desperately needed. I recently read on the topic of forgiveness and pray that this quote will ring true in your heart as it has in mine...

"We hesitate to forgive when we are offended because we are sure that the other person is wrong. Forgiveness has nothing to do with who is right or wrong. Nor does it mean that we condone what that person did. It simply means that we will not let another person's sin ruin us. Forgiveness prevents someone else's action from producing hurts, wrong attitudes or sickness in us." -Pastor Ted Haggard from the book "Primary Purpose."

My hope and prayer is that those of us who follow Christ and want to be leaders in His church will really search our hearts and strive to live lives of forgiveness. This little, Amish community has given a HUGE testimony of who God is and how He can change our hearts to the entire world. I am grateful for their hearts and their words.

Please keep this community and the community from Bailey, Colorado in your thoughts and prayers as they begin the long process of healing.

For more information on the shootings at the school house in Amish Country, visit MSNBC.